In Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC), a machine like Unique Autopure takes our protein sample and pumps it onto a column which is equilibrated by a specific buffer.
2022-7-14High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), formerly referred to as high-pressure liquid chromatography, is a technique in analytical chemistry used to separate, identify, and quantify each component in a mixture.
2022-7-14Chromatography is a separation technology based on the hydrophibility/affinity/charge/molecular size difference of the components in a mixture.
2022-7-14Gas chromatography,Liquid chromatography.
2022-7-14chromatography is a technique for separating the components, or solutes, of a mixture on the basis of the relative amounts of each solute distributed between a moving fluid stream, called the mobile phase, and a contiguous stationary phase.